The production of domestic hot water (DHW) is the second largest factor of energy consumption at home, representing 24% of the total energy consumption.
By installing a water saver, you will reduce water consumption as well as the amount of energy required for heating.
The flow reducers are complementary parts to the taps and showers that replace the traditional mains filter and allow to reduce the water flow by more than 50%, thus reducing consumption.
The principle of its operation is the emulsion, that is, the insertion of air in the water, which originates millions of microbubbles. In this way, the water flow will be halved without loss of volume. As a result, you will have the feeling of using the same amount of water while maintaining pressure.
Sem economizador
O caudal de uma torneira convencional é de 8L/min. Uma utilização de água quente durante 15min. corresponde a um consumo anual de 70€.
Com economizador
O caudal de uma torneira com economizador é de 2L/min. Uma utilização de água quente semelhante corresponde a um consumo anual de 20€.
Ao instalar economizadores de água poderá obter reduções anuais nos consumos de energia na ordem dos 50€.