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Energy certification

Energy certification for buildings makes it possible to provide consumers with information on the energy performance of buildings, which includes reducing energy use costs, improving thermal comfort and accessing finance and tax benefits.



The energy certificate is the result of a decree-law no. 118/2013 of 20 August, and must always be presented in the case of the sale or lease of a property. In this way, anyone who wants to buy or rent has an additional decision-making tool, based on energy efficiency.

The EC, on the first page, indicates the energy class (similar to what happens with household appliances) on a scale from A + to F and presents the performance for space heating, space cooling and domestic hot water. It also contains an indicator with the percentage of renewable energy that covers the energy consumption of the property.

In addition to this information on general energy performance, the EC also contains detailed information on the walls, floors, roofs, windows and installed equipment, indicating its contribution to energy consumption.

Finally, but no less relevant, the EC contains a set of improvement measures recommended by the PQ, which can be consulted by the owners and contains information on the approximate amount of investment to be carried out, as well as the savings generated with its implementation.

Consumo de energia em casa

O consumo de energia depende do isolamento das fachadas e cobertura, dos sistemas de aquecimento e arrefecimento, do sistema de produção de águas quentes sanitárias e dos equipamentos.

Certificação Energética

O certificado energético ajudá-o a tornar a sua casa mais eficiente e o seu custo tem uma componente relativa aos honorários do Perito Qualificado (PQ) e uma segunda componente relativa ao valor de registo.


As medidas de melhoria propostas no certificado energético ajudam-no a reduzir a sua fatura de energia e a melhorar as condições de conforto térmico da sua casa.

Important information in the energy certificate

The energy certificate contains a set of recommendations that have improved the energy performance of your home. These are proposed by the qualified expert:

  1. The application of thermal insulation or the existence of thermally efficient solutions is nowadays fundamental for the good performance of homes. If you own a house or live on the top floor of a building, applying roof insulation is essential to reduce your energy consumption.
  2. Install efficient windows, replace old windows with efficient windows and reduce the energy consumption associated with these elements by 50%.
  3. Solar thermal collectors ensure the supply of domestic hot water for much of the year, up to 70% of your needs. For example, a 4 m2 thermosiphon system manages to heat 190 Lts of water daily, thus ensuring water for 5 baths.
  4. Air conditioning represents 21% of the energy consumed in a home. Opt for efficient equipment, see the energy label.
  5. Install power monitoring systems. By viewing the energy you are consuming, you can save up to 4% with behavioral measures, such as turning off stand-by equipment and turning off lights in compartments that are not being occupied.
How to read the Energy Certificate
  1. Property photo
  2. Property address and identification
  3. Partial consumption indicators for space heating
  4. Partial consumption indicators for room cooling
  5. Partial consumption indicators for domestic hot water production
  6. Energy class of the property
  7. Contribution of renewable energy in the consumption of the property
  8. Annual CO2 emissions
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