The Delivery Point Code (CPE) in its structure consists of 20 digits which is composed of 4 distinct parts:
1. Two characters corresponding to the national identification “PT”;
2. Four numeric characters representing the identifier of the Distribution Network Operator that can be:
0001 Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
0002 EDP Distribuição
0003 A CELER, C.R.L. – Cooperativa Electrificação de Rebordosa
0004 A Eléctrica Moreira de Cónegos
0005 Casa do Povo de Valongo do Vouga
0006 Cooperativa de Electrificação A Lord, CRL
0007 Cooperativa Eléctrica de S. Simão de Novais, C.R.L.
0008 Cooperativa Eléctrica de Vale d’ Este
0009 Cooperativa Eléctrica de Vilarinho
0010 Cooperativa Eléctrica do Loureiro, CRL
0011 COOPRORIZ – Cooperativa de Abastecimento de Energia Eléctrica, CRL
0012 Junta de Freguesia de Cortes de Meio
3. Twelve numeric characters of Local Identification Code;
4. Two letters of Check digit.
The Identifier Code of the Network Operator is assigned by REN, in the quality of the Transport Network.
In the same way that the Citizen Card identifies a person, CPE allows you to identify an installation regardless of its use or ownership.