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Standby consumption

Standby consumption represents about 10% of your energy bill.


Standby consumption is the energy consumed by the various electrical devices when they are in standby mode, that is, when they are switched off using the remote control.

In this operating mode, the equipment is not completely disconnected and is waiting for the command to “wake” them up again. These consumptions are considered energy losses, since the energy that is being used by the equipment is not being used for the equipment to perform its main function, leaving the equipment with an illuminated button indicating the standby mode.

However, there is also off-mode or phantom consumption, in which the equipment presents energy consumption without performing its main function and without any visible indication of any consumption.

We present some solutions to monitor and control these consumptions.

Consumos em standby

Os consumos em standby na sua casa podem representar até 10% da sua fatura de eletricidade.

Tomada com interruptor

A aquisição de uma tomada com interruptor representa um investimento de, cerca de, 15€ e permite anular o consumo em standby de todos os equipamentos nela ligados.


A instalação de tomadas com interruptor, numa fatura anual de 500€, pode reduzir a sua fatura de energia em 50€/ano.

Other tips
  1. There are intelligent “Auto Power Off Plug” sockets on the market, which automatically turn off equipment when they are not performing their main function.
  2. Avoid buying equipment with constantly functioning electrical displays, such as a microwave oven or kitchen oven with clocks.
  3. Equipment with the Energy Star label has lower standby consumption.
  4. Use an outlet with a meter (or a multimeter) in order to confirm which devices have stand-by or off-mode consumption and check the respective values.
Energy Label

The European Union has established ecodesign requirements for all manufacturers and suppliers wishing to sell products that consume electricity in standby and power-off mode in the EU. Equipment such as computers, TVs, audio and video equipment, dishwashers, microwave ovens and electric toys, can have standby modes. Since 2009, these devices have been forced to switch to low power mode after a reasonable period of time.

As of 2013, it was established that these should not consume more than 0.5 Wh in standby mode. The application These rules have reduced annual electricity consumption by about 35.5 TWh per year – equivalent to Romania’s annual energy consumption. This has saved consumers 25 billion euros a year and 39 million tons of CO2 emissions .

However, current equipment (televisions, routers, modems, network printers and game consoles) is increasingly connected to the internet during standby, consuming greater amounts of energy. therefore, in 2013 specific requirements were defined for the standby consumption of devices connected to the network. These requirements were revised in January 2017, and since then networked devices should not consume more than 3 to 12 Wh in standby (depending on the product), replacing the previously defined requirements of 20 to 80 Wh.

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