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Thermal Insulation

Thermal insulation is an important parameter of energy efficiency in a home. In addition to providing users with a greater sense of comfort, its application represents a barrier that allows to reduce heat losses and gains.



Currently, there are minimum requirements required in the construction of new houses or refurbishments, values ​​that have been revised since 1990, the year in which the first regulation related to the thermal of buildings was published.

The applicable values ​​depend on the region of the country and, consequently, the climatic zone of your home. By ensuring a good thermal insulation of your home, you are increasing its thermal inertia, that is, guaranteeing a better thermal response of the building to temperature peaks, allowing to conserve interior temperature and improving thermal comfort.

Thermal insulation can be applied to walls, floors, roofs and even plumbing, to do this you should use the services of a civil engineer, architect or independent qualified expert, so that you can be advised on the best solutions to implement in your home.

Moradia sem isolamento

Se a data de construção da sua casa é anterior a 1990, provavelmente não tem isolamento térmico.

Aplicação de isolamento

A aplicação de isolamento pode ser realizada nas paredes, pavimentos e coberturas, existindo diversas soluções no mercado.


Com a aplicação de isolamento térmico nas fachadas e coberturas é possível reduzir em 50% as perdas térmicas, melhorando o conforto térmico.

Other tips
  1. If your house experiences large temperature fluctuations (very hot in summer and very cold in winter) you should inspect the insulation of the roof;
  2. The existence of outbreaks of humidity, fungi and molds may indicate a lack of insulation;
  3. If you want to isolate your home, evaluate the budgets of different companies and confirm that the companies have a license or registration title duly evaluated by IMPIC;
  4. The works must have a guarantee period of at least 5 years, so, if possible, after this period, you should ask the company that carried out the work for an inspection;
  5. Make sure that the materials applied are those agreed in the budget;
  6. Check that the areas of the columns and beams have been insulated, as they are thermally more likely to have problems.
More information:

According to the data from the Energy Certification System for Buildings, a T3 house with 136 m2 of floor space, presents typical heat losses:

  • 19% through the windows;
  • 26% through ventilation;
  • 32% through roof;
  • And 23% through walls and doors.

The application of thermal insulation contributes to the improvement of thermal comfort, to the minimization of pathologies and to the improvement of healthiness inside the house, to the reduction of the value of the energy bill and to greater acoustic insulation. See also our article on  energy efficiency classes.

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