The production of domestic hot water (DHW) is the second largest factor of energy consumption at home, representing 24% of the total energy consumption.
The installation of a solar thermal system can supply up to 70% of the hot water needs. This system converts solar energy into useful heat, by installing a solar thermal collector placed outside the building, in which a thermal transfer fluid circulates. A pipe network allows the flow of this fluid between the collector and the accumulation tank and the heating of the water contained therein. The deposit allows the use of hot water in periods when the needs do not coincide with the availability of the resource, such as at night.
The main application of these systems is the production of domestic hot water. However, these systems are an interesting addition to water preheating for underfloor heating and dishwasher / laundry systems (when these allow). It should be borne in mind that solar thermal energy systems need the support of conventional systems for the production of hot water.
Necessidades de AQS
A produção de água quente numa casa de uma família de 4 pessoas representa um custo anual médio de 600€ em gás natural.
Solar Térmico
A instalação deste sistema tem um custo de médio de 2500€ e permite reduzir as necessidades de energia para AQS em 50% a 70%.
Esta medida representa uma poupança média anual de 350€ em gás natural, o que permite uma amortização do investimento em 7 a 8 anos.